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161. GUKROG boss are you here. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Alexeph Stoekai For 100mill I will lend my detective services, scorching the land for your friend. For 99.99 million I will lend my detective services, scorching the land for your friend Originally by: Paulo Damar...
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.18 21:55:00
162. letting my subscirption run out - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
Originally by: Micheal Dietrich We in OOPE generally get the Trashiest of trash from GD, things like iquits and DUST threads but a group of us have banded together to protest the illicit dumping of this toxic waste into our territory. Tel...
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.17 16:02:00
163. Declaring war while in the alliance - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
99.99 mil/man 149.99 mil/ woman 49.99 mil/child My terms are better Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky to have survived.
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.17 15:43:00
164. Infamous EVE Pilots - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Backdoor Bandit- name says all Yblaro Janks- awesome forums posts Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky to have survived.
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.17 01:56:00
165. I think I seriously hurt my back.. - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
You obviously didn't drink enough water, anyone with any experience in the military can back me up on this one. Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky to have survived.
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.17 01:20:00
166. Kanye West is an *******! - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
Where was Micheal Richards when he was truly needed? Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky to have survived.
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.17 00:44:00
167. Keepin your refrigerator well stocked - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky to have survived.
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.16 00:24:00
168. looky looky - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
I........I........I actually approve of this cardiana thread? Who ever you are new cardiana stay this way, don't go back to the old cardiana Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky to have survive...
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.13 15:27:00
169. I am not human. - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
NO I'M ASPARAGUS!!!!! Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky to have survived.
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.12 20:51:00
170. WORLD WAR 3 may be coming soon..... - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
The US will sit this one out, let us know when you need our help so we can ignore you Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky to have survived.
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.12 04:43:00
171. Happy September 11th Everybody - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
Originally by: Digital Solaris And what has your country done for you lately? My country is putting me through school free of charge, plus giving me a living stipend! What's yours doing for you? Originally by: Paulo Damarr T...
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.12 04:24:00
172. I am not human. - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
A Newt? Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky to have survived.
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.12 02:10:00
173. Drones Persist to Insist on Resist of my Assist. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
I'm a non outlaw pirate as is my corpmate. We engaged multiple targets. I assigned my drones to him but they failed to engage. I'm assuming its because he was already being shot or was already shooting at the time I assigned my drones to him. ...
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.11 23:59:00
174. Pod targeting? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
During wars I have my new guy fly in sensor boosted frigs specifically to get pods Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky to have survived.
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.11 23:35:00
175. What in the....... - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
I'm waiting for someone to come along and say its perfectly fine it is their traditional cultural dance Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky to have survived.
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.11 23:12:00
176. One of Lifes Questions - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
Originally by: Arron S Or being a country that lost a war to tea sipping lime eating panzey, sheep molestor, Free Chease eating frogs,Red necks and Drunken Russians twice! Is this a reference to Germany?, If it is I'd just like to...
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.11 01:22:00
177. havard adv. physics class - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
I am reporting all cardiana threads My reason is the following : cardiana Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky to have survived.
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.10 05:09:00
178. Looks like the end for US manned spaceflight for a while. - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
Originally by: Intense Thinker Oh noes! The Chinese will surely colonize the moon first! The Chinese are gonna have a hard time colonizing the moon after North Korea brings it down here Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a...
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.10 04:40:00
179. Is this for real? - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
Originally by: Lord Windu Originally by: KingsGambit Seriously? How long!? 5 minutes, that long. Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky to have survived.
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.08 03:07:00
180. Royal Hiigaran Navy - Open For Merc Work - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Ah RHN reminds me of my younger days "hey guys lets go check out antem" " hey guys antem is being camped by RHN" "Nevermind then, let go hit the zia chain" Originally by: Paulo Damarr That is a most Excellent Drake fitting, you are lucky ...
- by Orion Eridanus - at 2009.09.07 21:59:00
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